Unspent Wolves Cash collected on Ticketing and Merchandise will be deleted at midnight on the 31st May each year.
Additionally, If you do not log in to your Wolves Rewards account AND collect / spend Wolves Cash for a period of six months or more, then your account will be classed as 'dormant' and your Wolves Cash balance will expire.
To save your Wolves Cash, there's two steps you will need to complete:
- Log in to your Wolves Rewards account AND
- Collect or spend Wolves Cash
But don’t worry! We will contact you by e-mail beforehand to let you know that your Account is at risk of being re-classified as a Dormant Account and that your Wolves Cash balance may be cancelled as a result. If you then log-in to your Account AND collect or spend Wolves Cash within the period specified in the email, your Account status will remain active.